I could even take a job on to make some money, so now I also work in a Subway :)
The family tries to do stuff with me in the weekends, 2 weekends ago I went to the farmers market with the mom and daughter and that was really nice. I also saw a field hockey game from the daughters team, which was nice to see. The sunday the son took me out for a hike and that was really nice and we also took their dog Oliver :)

The ride up there is really nice to begin with :) Like Canada is known for a lot of beautiful nature.
Once we arrived I saw what it was al about, there were goats living on the roof of a shop/restaurant.
Like they live there year round, they have grass and housing on the roof :)
The shop has all kinds of food from all over the world and there is a great Italian restaurant.
You also have all kinds of little shops around there.
We also passed by a beach that is really busy and known in the summer time.
After that we went to Costco, a big supermarket, to do some shopping.
Really had a nice weekend with the family I'm staying with.
I know I've been posting less last weeks, but with working now I don't have much time to have adventures. But that will change in a while :)
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