Are you all ready for Halloween this year?
Here we don't celebrate it as much as in the USA for example but me and my family still like to decorate a little.
So this year we decorated the house a little.
When I studied in L.A. I bought a few little things out there for this holiday and we still use it.
I bought all small things and made a Halloween box for my sister, I put in some spiderwebs and fingers also candy of course and a set to cut a pumpkin.

Then on the stairs we put all spiderwebs on the railing with also spiders in it.
At the downstairs toilet we put spiderwebs on the mirror with a small spider in it.
Also nice to know is that everyone is scared of spiders in the family, expect for my parents :)
On the front door we've put a board with on it 'the witch is in' and you can change it in 'the witch is out'. Also a souvenir from my stay in L.A.
At the front door we also have a pumpkin and some creepy lanterns.
Thats about how we decorated our house, it's not that much but it puts us in the right spirit.
Yesterday I've been carving a pumpkin with my sister, we each made our own. It was so fun because we did it outside in the dark, so it was kind of a challenge. Thank god for flashlight on our phones ;)
My sister made a cute little pumpkin and I tried to make a more scary one, moohahaha.
What do you think of our creations? If you wanna see how we made them on my sisters blog fauvec.blogspot.be
To all a happy Halloween, have fun scaring people :)
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