Like I said in my previous blog I'm a DC fan, but non a less a Marvel fan as well.
I've always watched the Marvel movies, well not all but most of them.
Like already said on the other blog, I don't see myself as knowing a lot about comics, this is just what I think about the Marvel world.
The first superhero movies I saw were The hulk and Daredevil, both movies were ok but I wasn't sold yet. I think the first movie I saw was Blade, I loved all 3 of those movies, maybe because I just love the world of vampires and werewolves.
Then came the Fantastic four movies, I also loved both of them, I just loved the story around it all.
Ghost rider was also a good movie, maybe because I like Nicholas Cage, but I liked both of those movies. Then you also had Elektra, I liked the first girl being the head character and it was a good movie of course. All of these movies I see like the before movies of Marvel, those are all the movies before the big franchise movies, I feel like.

Then you have the other franchises from Marvel.
Spiderman is one of the superheroes I like the less, I don't know why, I just never loved them that much. Which is weird cause I really like The amazing spiderman. For me there was really a big difference in those movies. It's not the actors or so, because I like both of them, it's just a superhero i like a little less maybe.
Then came The avengers movie, first separate and then together.

Iron man is my favorite superhero in this franchise, I like all the movies, the character Tony Stark is so great. Robert Downey Jr. plays the role so good, it's made for him.
The Captain america movies are also very good, the first one really explains the whole story very well. And each one of those movies they make it better.
I love the Thor movies so much, also a really good story lines. I can't wait for the next movie!
The movie who was a little less for me is Guardians of the galaxy, I don't know why, it just didn't got me from the start.

Honestly I didn't even saw Ant-man, I don't know why. The trailer didn't really speak to me, but after seeing the last Captain America I'm thinking to see this movie, cause he was so funny in it.
One of my favorite Marvel movies is Deadpool, how great is this story! He can do so much, even go to other dimensions, I hope to see more of Deadpool. Maybe a movie with all of the Marvel characters together?

The movie thats going to come out that I'm not so excited about is Doctor Strange, I don't know why, it's just based on seeing the trailer, cause I don't really know the story.
For the rest I'm pretty excited about the movies to come.

So as you know this was my view on Marvel and you also could've read my view on DC, I would like to know what you think of it and if I can learn some things of you please let me know. Like I said, I really don't know a lot of all those comics, only what I see in the movies actually. So I don't want to offend anyone with this blog.
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