Here I stayed in motel île d'Orleans and worked as a volunteer.
The concept work away is so you can travel cheap and on the place you stay you work max 5 hours a day and in return you get your stay and food. I've learned of this from a girl in my hostel in Montreal.
Here at the motel I was helping out with cleaning the rooms and preparing them for the new guest.
It was nice that you always got a thank you for your work after each day, even if it's part of the deal.
The two hosts Stephanie and Francois are very nice people and take really good care of you.
Just across the bridge you have the beautiful Montmorency falls and on my first day Francois took me there, because he was going for a run there with Elise the other girl who was there to volunteer.
Me and Elise stayed at the motel in a room with a kitchen and bathroom, just the perfect size for 2.
We got along great and on our days off or after work we explored the island together.
The first week Stephanie invited us to go to the movies with her and we had a great girls time :)
Also my first movie experience in Canada :)
Once a week we went to the supermarket with Stephanie and we could choose our groceries for a week, which was nice.
One day of I did a 16km walk and saw some beautiful nature and the richer side of the island, you won't believe the houses I saw and the view they have. If only I had the money ;)
On the island you have all these little businesses who make their own products, like I went to the chocolatier and the nougatier. But my favorite was Monna & filles where they made everything with cassis. Everything was so good there :)
The city is small and cute, especially the old town. Loved visiting it :)
I just had a great time here and now it's time to move on to my new adventure.
Thank you Stephanie and Francois for the great experience :)