I know it's been a while, so sorry about that, lots to do.
A few weeks ago I went on a road trip through the UK with my dad and sister.
It was an amazing week where we had a lot of fun and of course we also did a lot of driving :)
We did 4 cities in one week, Oxford, Leeds, Edinburgh and Brighton. On the road we also made some other stops and about a few of them I wanna talk about today.

If you wanna see all what we've been up to on our trip you can see it on our youtube channel
We did our first vlog week and it was so exciting I hope you'll enjoy watching it.

But today I wan't to talk about 2 specific stops we made and they both are related to Harry Potter!
The first stop we did was in Oxford where they filmed for one of the movies was the new college, we couldn't get in but you could see at the outside of the building that it was in the movies. Another stop was a the museum of Oxford, where they also filmed, we did't go inside cause the line was so long and we only were one day in Oxford. But a pleasant surprise was that the museum actually was the home of the father of Alice from Alice in Wonderland. We also found the candy shop where Alice went to buy her favorite candy, now it's named Alice's shop. Another we learned is that this city was the home of a lot of great stories, like Narnia and also JRR Tolkien called Oxford his home. I didn't know a lot of Oxford but it was a really pleasant surprise to learn so much of this beautiful city, I would recommend it to everyone and especially if you like stories like me :)

Another stop I wanted to talk about was Malham Cove where they filmed for Harry Potter and the deadly hallows part 1. This was first of all quite a drive to find it, we had to drive on the smallest roads ever! But at the end we arrived, but not before taking the hike of our life :) First we had to walk a little while till the bottom of the cove, i think it was about a half hour, but it went quit fast. We took a lot of pictures and then we started the climb till the top, because there they filmed for the movie. I'm not gonna lie, the climb was killing me and my dad, my sister did quit well :) We had to stop 3 times until we made it till the top. But once up there it was so beautiful we forgot all the pain of making the climb. Also there we made a lot of pictures and had our picnic. After staying there for about an hour we went back down, what was also painful with all those stairs, we had quit the workout that day :)
It was a beautiful day, but sadly enough we found out a few days later we deleted all the pictures of that day on my sister her canon, luckily we also took pictures with our phones.

Those where the 2 main stops I wanted to talk to you about, if you want to see more of our trip you can see pictures on my instagram:theadventure_oflife or on youtube with the link on top. I hope you enjoyed this as much as I did. I would love to go on a trip through Scotland in the future to because it's such a beautiful county to. I loved traveling through the UK and the company was also the best :)