Today we make our new years resolutions.
What are yours?

For me personally I will start a diet and really stick to it! I hope to have lost at least 10kg by this summer and then another 10kg after the summer, that would be nice. For my health and for me in general. Let's hope this works!
For me it's not really a new year a new me, I'm not gonna change dramatically, at least not my personality, cause I know who I am and what I want. The only thing that is gonna change is hopefully my body and mindset about food :)
I'll keep you posted and let my progress know in about 6 months, hopefully I don't let myself and you guys down.
So new years eve, what have you done?
Party or stayed home?
I stayed home with the family, like last couple of years, I'm not really liking going out. Maybe I'm getting old or maybe it's just not the same anymore... Don't really now.
But I like staying home with the family in the holidays, thats what's it all about for me.
I hope you all had great holidays and to all a happy new year!